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Man accused of drunk driving in deadly accident

November 5th, 2015 • drunk driving

A man in New York has been accused of driving under the influence in the wake of a deadly accident. He hit a trio of students who were walking close to Skidmore College. Two of them survived the collision, but one of them died from his injuries.

The young man who passed away was only 19 years old. He and the other two with him were freshman at the college. The man who is now facing charges for his involvement is 64 years old.

It does appear that the students were walking in the street, and reports also show that there aren't sidewalks where they were hit—perhaps causing them to be in the road. However, the university did not report having any safety issues there before this accident.

The police have not told the public what the man's blood alcohol concentration was at the time of the accident. They also haven't even listed all of the charges yet, telling reporters that those charges will come down when the investigation is finished. For now, though, the man is being charged with both driving while intoxicated and first-degree vehicular assault.

The police did get a tip that there was a college party in the area, at a location called "The Barn." Though they've not accused the students of anything, they're investigating to see if they were going to the party or coming back from it. After all, the crash happened around 11:19 in the evening.

Those who have been accused of drunk driving, even when it is connected to more serious charges, have a right to a fair trial in New York.

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