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The importance of challenging your New York DWI charges

January 29th, 2015 • drunk driving

Some people fail to realize that even a first-time DWI conviction can have long lasting consequences. In addition to jail time and fines, a conviction for drunk driving can also result in making it much harder for you to find a job in your profession or get promoted at your current place of employment.

The worst types of drunk driving charges for first time DWI defendants in New York are those that are covered under the specifics of "Leandra's law." The law went into effect throughout the state in August 2010. Basically, the law provides enhanced penalties if you are convicted of a DWI while also traveling with a passenger under the age of 16. Even if this is your first drunk driving conviction, you will receive an automatic felony on your criminal record.

If you are currently facing DWI charges, you should know that you have a right to retain legal representation for your criminal defense. Your attorney can assist you in many ways that you may not understand at this time. For example, your attorney canchallenge the validity of the traffic stop that resulted in your arrest. Law enforcement officials are required to have a reasonable suspicion that something was wrong in order to pull you over.

As previously mentioned in one of our earlier posts, your attorney can also challenge the validity of any testing device that was used to determine your blood alcohol concentration levels. Like any computer devices, alcohol testing equipment requires calibration and proper maintenance. A faulty or inaccurate device may render the results of your testing inadmissible as evidence to be used against you.

Based in Newburgh, our law firm has an attorney with over 15 years of experience representing clients in Orange County and throughout New York State. In fact, one of our lawyers is a former prosecutor.

Prospective clients can contact our offices 24/7 either by phone or via email. Our law firm can also accommodate clients who prefer to speak Spanish.

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